February 1st 2005...Please note these are recent, this is my "recovering"
face, not the one I based my story on. I will try to develop those pictures soon hopefully.
Feb 5 2005....I hate how the redness makes it look 100x worse!
Feb 12 2005...It doesnt seem to want to get any less red!! Its pissing me off, I just want this all
to end...
March 16 2005....WHOO HOOO! I feel ABSOLUTELY ELATED today. I still see so much imperfections but
comparing to the other pics, it looks great...I cant believe I can finally say that!
This pic is alot better qualtiy cause it was taken in direct sunlight, while the others were taken in the safety of my
room around late evening :)... this pic was also taken by someone else, not by me trying to navigate with a mirror lol
March 16 2005....How I feel most comfortable around people, in make-up!...if you look closely you
can see the redness...this was taken at the time of day I still hate, around 12:30-1:00ish when the sun is the most bright...wow
I have gotten so skilled at applying make-up maybe I should try it as a profession lmao. Love it or Hate it,The tanning is
helping even out my skin tone well.
April 4 2005....wooot! its getting clearer yeah! I'm so happy cause I'm off to college
in the fall so I needed this!...oh and this is WITHOUT MAKE UP! yay!...there might be a little scarring but I think I can
live with that.
April 18 2005...igot a bit of a burn, and my tan is otherwise fading...and I'm having
one of those days where my skin just doesnt look good. See the camera just doesnt capture it!...I'm beginning to see scarring
and i hate it...and my make up looks all caked on when it is on which i also hate...and my skin is getting oily again!..yeah
today is a feeling rotten day.